Influence Boards


My Bed; A simplistic display of random objects suggested as being the property of Emins. This piece by Emin reveals an aspect or an experience of her life that she wants the public to see in its raw state and this is the reason I have chosen it. Sometimes the most personal things in our lives have to be shown as they are for them to be noticed, like a small outburst of emotion. We are all voyeurs and I feel this way of revealing obvious honesty through the medium of installation enables us, the viewer, to experience a part of her life.

With Jenny Holzer’s projections of short statements and slogans, the viewer is able to form their own visual images from the prompts that the work presents. I love how she shares a motive with the public but it’s also done in a beautiful way, projecting them on trees, rivers, mountains and buildings creating a scene to look at. People do find something interesting if it relates to whom they are or how they feel. ‘No one Told Me’ is the image I chose because I relate to how powerful it is and how the water adds movement. Many things have happened throughout my life that has saddened me to the point where I can’t cope, but Holzer’s work reminds me that you can show how you feel even if it doesn’t involve actually talking about it.

Banksy has created a number of different pieces of graffiti art but my favourite has to be ‘Girl with balloon.’ It hasn’t got the shock factor which most of his work has, but just simply an image of a young girl holding her arm out to a red balloon. The heart shaped, red balloon could symbolise anything; something, someone or ourselves that is slowly floating away. ‘Accompanied by the words ‘There is always hope’ this particular piece of Banksy’s work makes me feel that little bit better when I’m down, even if I might not be able to get back what I have lost. A phrase that relates or describes an image adds more meaning and I like this aspect.

Fiona Rae uses paint marks, shapes and symbols to produce her abstract colourful pieces which I feel are beautiful to look at. I chose ‘I wish to fully grow my small Dream’ because even though it is full of wonderful imagery, it still has a darkness to as if there is something left unsaid. It’s as if all the bright things in life are still surrounded by unwanted misery that keeps pushing its way through so it can be seen. Colour influences me a lot; sometimes I wear bright clothes because of my personality but sometimes this is just a mask to hide what I am actually feeling inside. Colour can say a lot about a person in the way that they use it.

When visiting the Tate Modern in London I got the chance to see ‘No Woman No Cry’ first hand and it was amazing to see. It was so rich in colour and texture and also elephant dung and I really like how this reflected Ofili’s Nigerian heritage. I chose this piece because of the culture that is revealed through it, I find all the naturalness and the experimentation with materials outside of the traditional confines really inspiring. I love that we live in a multicultural country; we learn a lot more about the world we live in.

Street Photography

Everything about life interests me; the way people live, the changes that happen, and that’s why street photography influences me. I know when I have missed a decisive moment and I end up stressing about it because I never had my camera at that moment in time. Being an inquisitive person, I love the social documentation of the things around us and that’s why I love street photography. Markus Hartel’s image of the old and the new as people but also as design with the buggy and the wheelchair has great contrast but also emotion. People die every day and people are born every day, it’s the circle of life and images like street photography can show people what happens in between in a creative way. I have also included one of Matt Stuarts street photos because I like the comical aspect, life doesn’t have to be serious all the time. I’m always making pictures out of things, like door handles, I think they look like a face saying ‘ooh’ and this keeps me happy. Little things matter to me and street photography enables me to capture these things how I want to. I suppose I just love watching our world change.


I chose an image of the world’s best known living Jamaican singer and songwriter Jimmy Cliff to include within my music influence board because he is such an artist. All his music has meaning about the world we live in and my favourite song of his is ‘You Can Get it if you really Want’ which is a statement that always stays in my head; anyone can achieve anything if they believe in their selves. I was lucky enough to go and see Jimmy in concert which was amazing.

My dad introduced me to the English punk rock band The Clash. Their rebellious attitude and strong political lyrics really inspired me to have a voice in everything I do. They had a different approach to music as they expanded hard rock & roll with reggae, dub, and rockabilly, singing about revolution and the working class. Their music has meaning, not like most of the stuff today, bringing people together for a reason and to make a statement which is one aspect that you need today to get noticed.

The Beatles were introduced to me at a young age by my Dad. I have always loved their songs and their style, they brought a new image to music and they are just amazing. My favourite song is Mr Postman, me and my sister used to dance to it when we were little and had a routine so I suppose The Beatles have brought us closer together. Their lyrics are great and they will never be forgotten.

Tom Jones was always one of my Mum’s favourites. She had all these weird dances for his songs and she used to embarrass me with them at parties and when mates came round to my house, especially boys! Now that she has gone, I will never have that embarrassing moment so I do it instead now and show up my friends and I like it. She called it ‘Tomming off’ and I will always keep that part of her with me.

S club 7 were a pop group I listened to when growing up, it seems silly now but I feel they influenced me a lot in school. Their whole image and songs reflected their personalities and their happiness and I wanted to be happy so I used to sing S club’s songs on the step at school with my friends. It gave me confidence and I still am confident now and I feel that’s how they influenced me.

The Spice Girls are another pop group that influenced me. My life basically revolved around them when I was about 6 and they inspired me to look after my friends and I always wanted to be like them. Baby spice was my favourite and I used to try and act so innocent, I’m certainly not that now though!

I started getting into dance music when I began secondary school. Everyone seemed to rave over music with base but I liked how it made me feel when I was down; the fast tempo seemed to bring me up a bit and I started to feel happy again. I will never lose my love for it because it is a part of me and I’m not ashamed to admit it, I enjoy dancing and dance music allows me to express my happy side.

The Great Outdoors

Water is an unusual substance, dripping, splashing and running free all around the world and I feel it is a beautiful thing to watch. The image I have chosen to represent water is Rhaeadr Fawr also known in English as Aber Falls and a photograph that I took which is a 115ft waterfall located Carneddau Mountains. It is surrounded by woodland and impressive mountain scenery that looks amazing on any day you go. Water surrounds us everywhere, flowing and meandering around hills and splashing off rocks having such freedom and I love being around it. It takes me away from the stressfulness of the reality of life, giving me a chance to breathe and just appreciate the world we live in.

Trees come in many different shapes, sizes and colours and they change through the seasons, I like trees. I chose an image of Delamere Forest because it is a place I go to quite a lot for a nice walk and to take photographs of the 2,400 acres of deciduous and evergreen woodland. I feel so free when walking on the windy footpath through the huge forest, making you feel like you are a part of the wildlife that inhabits there. The overpowering trees make you feel so small and vulnerable but it’s exciting loosing yourself beneath the green clouds that are above you. I love being outside in the wild experiencing the natural beauty we have around us.

I chose an image of clouds because of their beauty and most of the time this is overlooked. Looking at clouds makes me feel all dreamy, I cloud lie on a park forever and look at the clouds in all their glory up in sky. There are so many types of clouds but I like them best when the sun is setting, when the colours change into deep oranges, pinks and purples and they show their true beauty. I always remember seeing a cloud when I was little that looked just like Roger Rabbit, I couldn’t believe it and I wouldn’t shut up about it!

I chose an image of a Shropshire landscape because I love where I live. I have grown up in Shropshire and have spent my life exploring it with my friends but also to just walk around and really appreciate it. I do live in a town but it is surrounded by beautiful hills and the Shropshire Canal is literally behind my house. I think it looks best on a frosty morning when the light shimmers off the tiny crystals on the grass and trees.

The Shropshire Canal has always been a place I go for a nice walk when I feel I need to wind down. It starts in my hometown of Whitchurch and I literally have to walk down the road and round the corner. I have spent some great times down there with my friends and I have taken many photographs of it, it will always be a place I will remember.

I have chosen an image of camping because it has encouraged me to make the most of what I’ve got and that you don’t need all the luxuries in life to enjoy yourself and be happy. Going camping makes me feel free and a part of nature and I like the fresh air outside in the middle of no where, even if it might smell like cow poo!


My Dad influences me in everything I do. He has introduced me to music and that’s why I am so passionate about it but he has also showed me how to live my life and helped me to realise how precious it is. He has gave me great advice when I need it and made me realise that the family I have got will always appreciate me for who I am.

My Mum passed away when I was eleven but she is always in my heart and I will never forget her, she was amazing. She showed me that life doesn’t always have to be serious and to never let anyone put you down because I am better than that. I suppose I have taken on her fun side and I’m always being told how much I am like and I feel privileged to be her daughter.

I am a twin and a lot of the time me and my sister don’t get on but she has played a huge part in my life, she understands me more than anyone. She has helped me through a lot of my bad times and has enabled me to realise the important parts in life, friends. I suppose she is really my best friend and always will be.

My brother has probably been my biggest influence in my life so far. He has helped me find my way and realise I have many talents and I should use them in every way I can. He is an amazing music technician and he has the ability to make people listen to his music he makes and I look up to him because of this.

My friends have always influenced me to never change. I can be over the top sometimes and be a bit loud but that is just who I am! They will always be there for me when I need them and they have all inspired me in different ways.


Pretty Woman has been one of my favourite films that I can watch over and over again. I suppose I relate to how women can be judged for the way they look and its horrible when it does happen to you. You should never let people put you down.

Bridget Jones’s Diary is another one of my favourite chick flicks, I just can’t help but relate to how she is and how everything goes wrong, trying to find the right man! Every time I watch it I’m chuckling to myself.

Saving Private Ryan has always been one of my favourite war films. I love war film but I feel this one really does affect me and no matter how many times I watch it, I still never get bored of the realism.


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